If you are a company using Dante, we recommend that you purchase
a support contract. This will make it possible for you to receive
support from the people who wrote and know Dante best.
For more information and prices, please contact
For IBM and other customers using Ariba Network, please see our
Ariba Network profile:
Community Mailing Lists
There are several mailing lists dedicated to Dante. An overview
can be found on the mailing list page.
Dante users can assist each other on these lists. Employees of
Inferno Nettverk A/S provide help as time permits.
Commercial Support
In addition to developing customer-specific modifications, Inferno
Nettverk A/S also offers several levels of commercial support, ranging
from basic email-only support to full 24/7 round-the-clock phone support.
Support levels
Inferno Nettverk A/S offers several levels of support.
A support level as listed here always includes everything in the support
levels listed above.
- Software availability
All patch, maintenance, and major releases of the software will be
made available electronically to customer.
- Security alerts
Customer will be alerted about any possible security related problems,
and will as soon as possible be provided with a patch release to
remedy the problem.
- Support via email
Questions and problem reports can be submitted by customer via email.
- Correction of errors and problems
Inferno Nettverk will correct bugs and incorrect behavior reported
by customer.
- Support via telephone during primary support hours
Questions and problem reports can be submitted via telephone during
primary support hours (09-17 CET, Monday to Friday).
- Phone meeting (available also outside primary support hours)
A phone meeting can be scheduled in cases where it might be
beneficial for preparations to be made prior to the meeting. Phone
meetings are suitable for debugging sessions and solving more
complicated problems, as well as for receiving support outside
primary support hours.
- System review
Customer can receive a review of the software configuration used,
with regards to factors such as performance and security.
- Binary Package builds
Upon request, a customer can receive a precompiled binary snapshot
or package file for their supported platform.
- 24/7 support for critical problems
Customer can report critical problems at any time via telephone
or email.
- Guaranteed response time on all requests
We guarantee commencing work and providing a response within the agreed
on time limit.
- Free access to all commercial modules
Customer can receive free access to any commercial modules and
extensions developed by Inferno Nettverk for the software.
- Designated contact person at Inferno Nettverk
Inferno Nettverk will assign a top-level support person to maintain
knowledge of customer's installation and system configuration.